The stark absence of a working, internet accessible computer in my apartment has put a distinct cramp in my blogging regularity. The last couple of days I’ve gotten to work in the morning, with the intention of writing something to post, but the days pick up speed from the moment I put my butt in the chair and I run out of time.
There is good news on the computer front though. The wonderful and talented Scott has managed to save my iBook’s ass once again, spending most of last Sunday pulling files off my mangled hard drive and onto his for safekeeping, until a new hard drive can be installed in my computer.
I head for Portland, OR tonight for a week and a half, the much anticipated vacation having finally arrived. My mom called me yesterday afternoon to tell me that she had just been outside picking a bowl of raspberries to stash in the fridge, to make sure that there would still be some left for me. My cousin Harlan and his family, including 2 1/2 year old Luke, whom I’ve never met, are coming in from Hawaii. Jessica, my friend since the 5th grade, is driving down from Seattle with her new husband and their dog on July 1st. I haven’t seen her in almost three years, so it will be a nice little mini-reunion. There’s a Subud Congress to attend as well as requisite trips to the coast and Sauvie Island for blueberry picking. It will be a full, active trip, and I can’t wait.
Am glad things are going well (including having your PC rescucitated) and hope you get recharged while you are away.