Fork You

Sometime last spring, Scott and I started talking about making a food video podcast.  We spent most of the spring trying to name it and finally settled on Fork You.  Thad and Angie came on board to help us out and help us they have.  We are happy to announce that the first episosde is finally ready for viewing.

Please excuse the squeakiness of my voice, I swear I don’t sound like that in real life.

0 thoughts on “Fork You

  1. Nancy

    heh. I enjoyed that.
    Of course, I DO make sushi, so it was great fun watching someone verbally describe (and physically demonstrate) the process. Especially you, Mothra.[grin] And that bamboo mat? makes a GREAT camping cutting board that you can just roll up around the knife to pack. A little tip, from me to you.


  2. Pingback: They sushi so you don’t have to! > the smedley log

  3. MoDad

    I agree with Andrea. Now I want sushi. You made me believe I could make it. What a great first episode, hopefully of many more.


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