One of the good days


I love the morning after we fall back out of daylight savings time. I love waking naturally and knowing that while my body believes that it’s one time, the rest of the world knows it to be a whole hour earlier. This morning, for the first time in weeks, I woke up without the assistance of an alarm before 9 am. I looked at the clock, stretched out in bed and lay there, listening to NPR for about half an hour before finally extending my feet towards the floor.

Once dressed, I ate yogurt with chopped apple and cinnamon. Nicely fed, I headed out the door towards the Headhouse Farmers Market. It’s been nearly a month since I’ve been able to get down there and it was so nice to be back. I wandered around, buying chard from one stand, beets and eggs from another and two delicious asian pears from another. I stood around and chatted with Jennie for a while and took the really cool picture of a eggplant you see above.

Heading on, I got a cup of coffee to drink while walking and headed back towards my neighborhood. I stopped in at an open house a friend was having at his new business, learned about green roofs and had several delicious bits of food.

It’s always amazing to me how some of the simplest days can also be some of the best.

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