The last few weeks, Scott and I have taken long, rambling walks on Sunday afternoons. We didn’t do it today, though. In fact, we didn’t manage to leave the apartment at all. We slept late, watched TV, read our books and ate leftover birthday cake. It was the most gorgeously lazy day in recent memory.

2 thoughts on “275

  1. anita

    I love Diana Gabaldon’s books! Which is your favorite so far? I saw her a few years ago when she was at a writing conference here in Michigan and she read an excerpt from “An echo in the Bone”. For me the hardest part of reading the series is waiting for the next one to come out.

    1. Marisa Post author

      I think the first book has been my favorite, just because it was so delicious to enter a new world of story. I just started An Echo in the Bone yesterday and am dying to spend some solid time reading it!


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