Mid-July 2015

For the last month and a half, I’ve had a note on my to-do list that reads, “Apt. 2024 post.” Each time I rewrite the list, I carry it over to the fresh page and work away at all the tasks around it. Still, I keep it there as a reminder that this blog is here, waiting for me.

When I do eventually make it to this space, I am grateful and feel such relief in allowing myself to tumble onto this virtual page.

The last few months have been intensely full (substitute the word years for months and that statement would still be true). I turned in the first draft of my next cookbooks in early May and have now made it through two rounds of edits and the photo shoot. I have one last bit of editing to do and then I won’t see it again until galleys.

There is a part of me that still can’t quite believe that I’ve now written three books. The person I was when I started this website would be amazed at the future that lay in store for her.

Scott and I are still living in the apartment, but have been looking for a house to buy in West Philly. The market is tight and inventory is low, so I keep my eyes peeled for possibilities and hope that they don’t go under contract before we can see them.

I feel like I function on two levels these days. On one plane, I am focused on all the things I hope for – a bigger space, the chance to grow a human, the opportunity to write more books without quite so much hustle in the selling. But on the more mundane level, I let all of those hopes go in order to be satisfied with where I am and what I have. It’s a tricky balance to maintain, but works nonetheless.


4 thoughts on “Mid-July 2015

  1. Candace H.

    That young girl would certainly be amazed and also happy knowing that she would be working and doing something she loves. The girl that walked home from work talking to her mom on the phone could not have foreseen the twists and turns life would bring her. 🙂 You have done well, 3 books!!!!
    I have been making the salmon patties/cakes recipe you posted at Food in Jars and it has become my go to for salmon, delicious, thank you.
    Stop working all around your to do list and come here more often! I miss your voice, you are a writer of more than recipes(wow so many good recipes!) and I miss hearing about Scott. I hope you find a house that is good for you both but I will be a little sad that you have left your Grandparents apartment. How strange that is as I have never met you but somehow I found your blog early on and it struck a cord with me.

  2. Melissa

    Ooohhh…that balance of present time and future dreams can be a real struggle, can’t it. Breathe and trust it will all flesh out just as it’s meant to. You are right where you are supposed to be (and absolutely rocking it, too)!

  3. verucaamish

    I remember a blog post you wrote about living in the future. Weird kids are trained so well for that. Everything often gets better – people appreciate you for your quirks instead of deriding you for them. But when life catches up to the wonderfulness of who you are, you still have that muscle. I can’t wait for you and Scott to buy a house, have a kid and do a joint blog called 2024 Blankbaby.

  4. Rita

    What a delight to see a new post on this blog ! I of course read Food in Jars blog also but this one always brings a smile to my face. Good luck in your house hunting — although I do not think I could ever leave that apartment ! All good things your way !!!


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