Around 12:15 p.m. today, my cell phone rang. I didn’t realize it at first, because the phone was still in the filing drawer where I stash my purse when I get to work each day (what? This isn’t how you deal with your personal belongings while at your place of employment?) and so the ringing was muted. Luckily, I was able to place the clattering noise bleating from inside my desk before the caller was shunted off to voicemail exile.
It was Scott.
He was calling to find out if I wanted to get lunch at Pastrami and Things (our favorite spot for inexpensive lunchtime salads and other deli items) and then go home to eat. Because his new iPhone had been delivered.
Ah. The iPhone.
Lloyd also has his iPhone securely in hand. He wrote a poem about it (part 2 of our iPhone series). Scott should read it.
We just read Lloyd’s poem together. Very (very) funny!