I feel like it was yesterday that my trusty iBook and I came together for the first time. I had it shipped to my parents’ house in Oregon so that I wouldn’t have to pay sales tax and it sat there for three days, until my I arrived from Philly, ready to be on vacation and play with my new computer. I took it out of the packing while my dad watched with envy (he got his own iBook just a few months later). I would sit and gaze with adoration at the glossy, unscratched white plastic casing. I was in awe at how it zipped through the internet. It was the first computer I ever had that knew how to handle wireless signals.
My how time flies. That joyful introduction was nearly three years ago and my beloved little computer has gotten battle-scarred. Several of the keys are bare of any printing, my fingernails have long since scratched away their identifying letters. The outside is crazed, it bears marks from the time Scott took it apart to fix the dead hard drive (thanks again for that, by the way) and it’s not so good at regulating it’s internal temperature anymore.
These days when it is on my desk, I keep it sitting on several chopsticks, in order to keep it’s bottom nice and cool. I got it a new battery a few months ago, and while that has helped its functionality in the outside world, I hate taking it places because it’s just so darn heavy. You know what I’m getting at don’t you? It’s starting to feel like time for a new computer. Hmm, we’ll just have to see what happens when that student loan money arrives sometime next month, won’t we.
Do it! Get a rockin new MacBook! Ok, maybe it’s just my love of all new Apple toys that come on the market, but I would definitely get one if I (a) needed one or (b) could afford one. As a student, you get a pretty good discount, a free ipod and a free printer. Hard to beat that.
I’m still rockin’ my Powerbook G4, circa 2002. I love that thing, dents in the aluminum and all! 🙂
I believe my wife has reached a similar point in her computational career – though no student loan in sight. I wonder what blood type holds the most value? Hmm.