Walla Walla bound

I’m getting on an airplane tomorrow night that will take me to Portland, OR. Friday morning, I hit the road (with best college friend Andrea in tow) and drive east through the Columbia River Gorge and the wheatfields of eastern Washington to Walla Walla.

It’s been four years since I graduated from college, and already it’s time for a reunion (they have a system of cluster reunions, so you actually get to see people from the classes that surrounded you, in addition to the folks from your own). This is my very first reunion, my high school didn’t have a five year one, and I’m feeling a little funny about the thing.

I know that when I get there I will have a good time, and will enjoy seeing some people, but I’m also feeling a little insecurity and anxiety starting to emerge. Rationally and intellectually I know I’m doing an relatively good job with my life, but sometimes I’m not sure if it shows outwardly.

All I can say at this point is that it will be an adventure, and hopefully I’ll have some good stories to bring back to this space for you all.

0 thoughts on “Walla Walla bound

  1. Luna

    Have a safe trip and enjoy the reunion!…wish my college was having one (HS is having one, but i’d rather not go to that one)

    Have lots of fun, we’ll be waiting for the stories…


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