
For the first time in a long time, I am actively loving what I am doing in my life.  It is such a refreshing change to be able to tell people that I am actively happy when they ask me how I am.  That I am deeply content with the ways in which I spend my hours and days.  The satisfaction came on slowly.  It had been absent for so long that at first I didn’t recognize it, simply noticing the slight erosion of my discomfort.  Then suddenly, about a week ago, I recognized it for what it was.  General, unlocalized joy.  A sensation of learning and growth.  Mental and emotional movement.  I am so grateful that I chose to change my life and go back to school rather than continue to sit behind computers that contained work that held no interest for me.  My bravery makes me giddy on a daily basis.

0 thoughts on “Happy

  1. Wendy

    WoW! I am happy that you got to that point so quickly. I wasn’t able to get there until February of my first year of gread school—after the anxiety of 1st semester reviews and finding my way wifh my artwork. Enjoy it as much as you can while you are in school!

  2. Thad

    I had this moment myself about a year ago, about a week after getting laid off from a job I no longer enjoyed. I found myself driving home, grinning like an idiot. I realized it was because I was free!

    To echo others, I’m glad you’re in a good place right now, too!


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