
So, until now, I’ve been completely delinquent in mentioning that I’m participating in NaBloPoMo this month. An alternative to NaNoWriMo, it is a commitment to update your blog with a post of some substance once a day for the month of November. The project is one of the many brainchildren of Eden Kennedy, the blogger behind There’s even a NaBloPoMo Randomizer, so that one can explore the many other participants. So if you enjoy reading my random little bits, look out, cause they’ll be coming at you everyday this month!

In other news, I’m feeling much better. I talked to my roommate today, and it turns out that he did not enter the apartment yesterday afternoon while I napped, so it seems that it was simply a very active dream. We don’t like to use words like hallucinate around here. I’m continuing to take my store brand medications (can I get a big woohoo for CVS brand Airborne) and I’m getting lots of sleep. Here’s hoping that I’m mostly normal by tomorrow.

0 thoughts on “NaBloPoMo

  1. MoDad

    Is that like “mostly dead?” So what have you got here that’s worth living for? Huh!?! Have fun stormin’ the castle, boys.


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