For the last couple of months I’ve been dropping hints that I had a new project in the works. Finally, after a fairly slow start, it is launched and I am happy to present to you Stories from Reading Terminal Market.
I will be spending a considerable amount of time at Reading Terminal over the next three months, talking to merchants, shoppers and eaters alike, asking for their recollections of encounters, experiences and excellent food. I’ll also be interviewing people throughout the city who have stories to tell that involve the market. I’m looking to hear about memories, recipes, family traditions and deep attachments to all things that involve Reading Terminal Market. (If you have something to say on this topic, please shoot me an at
The idea for this project sprung fully formed from my head sometime back in February. Thanks to a few friends and family who helped out with some introductions, I was able to schedule a meeting with the management of the market and get the go-ahead from them. I am looking forward to seeing how it evolves, and I hope that you all will follow along.
That’s a great idea for a blog. I love the Terminal, and especially love the Independence Brew Pub across the street!
Consider yourself bookmarked.
I have already slammed it into my google reader. Now their is a sentence you dont here everyday