A little more local media attention

I came home yesterday evening to an email in my inbox that was drastically different from the ones I normally receive.  It was from a producer at the local ABC affiliate here in Philly, telling me that they really like my website (not this one though) and would like to feature me in a segment that they do on the Wednesday 11 o’clock news.  It’s called What’s New on the Net, and focuses in on cool things that people are doing on the internet in the area.

After I read the email through twice (the smile on my face getting broader and broader with every passing second), I called my parents.  In a somewhat serious tone of voice, I simply told my mom I needed to read her an email.  She was worried at first, but by the end, she was shouting to my dad to get on the phone and making me read it again.

I have an appointment to meet with a local reporter on Wednesday afternoon to do a brief interview.  Hopefully I won’t embarrass myself too much.

13 thoughts on “A little more local media attention

  1. Phillybits

    Congratulations. It’s always nice getting some type of recognition for your blog but if you could help me out, what blog is it that they’re interested in?

    Also, any thoughts as to what you might discuss?

    (Note to self – Add Apt. 2024 to blogroll)


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