Does perceived stagnation precede change?

honey bears

I was reading an email newsletter I get daily that is designed to encourage and inspire members of the new age set, when this sentence jumped out at me.

Stagnation is often a sign that great changes are on the horizon.   

I’ve been feeling stuck.  Mired.  Unable to accomplish more than the bare minimum.  I realize that part of this is due to the fact that it is August and it is hot.  The world’s energy is flowing like honey that was stored on a chilly windowsill.  No matter how much pressure you apply to the bear’s tummy, you can’t force that viscous substance to move any faster to the cap (in situations like this, I tend to put the honey bear in the microwave.  Somehow I don’t think that that’s an advisable course of action for my life).

So it was sort of relief to get a little bit of reassurance that my perceived lack of movement could actually result in changes.  I am ready for a lot of things (both big and little) that seem to be just over the next hill, occasionally peeking up, but not staying within view long enough letting me get my sights set on them.

Things like writing/food video work that makes enough money to support me.  The possibility of a relationship that survives and thrives.  Enough comfort with my body as to be able to go to the swimming pool without putting in vast amounts of mental work in order to prepare.  The ability to go to bed early enough so that I’m not exhausted the next day.  Dedication to eat all the vegetables I buy before they go bad.

See, the big stuff and the little stuff.

Oh and the picture isn’t mine.

0 thoughts on “Does perceived stagnation precede change?

  1. Diane

    You’ve got to be kidding! I love reading your blog because you always leave me dizzy with all you are doing. In my humble opinion, summer for students is a time to veg out, rest up, get in touch with your inner-self, and get good and ready for the explosion of activity that is inevitable in the fall. You should be enjoying this — not beating yourself up over it!

    One of the joys of being older is the acceptance of self that seems to only come after years of watching life’s odd twists and turns and realizing that you weren’t every really in charge of anything anyway and that it’s best to sit back; enjoy the show; and not worry too much. It’s amazing how much perspective it gives you. After a lifetime of dotting i’s and crossing t’s obsessively, I woke up one morning and just decided it was all a crap shoot and I was just going to be happy no matter what happened. I’ve never looked back. I wish you could find that same release.

  2. Anthony

    I would say that “Stagnation is often a sign that great changes are inevitable.”

    Nothing remains dormant for long – or at least longer than we want it to. Once we realize that we have stagnated, the change is not only inevitable, but welcomed.


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