Chalkboard wall

New chalkboard wall

For the last few months, I’ve had it in my head to paint the back wall of the kitchen in chalkboard paint. About a month ago, I got myself to Lowe’s to buy a can of paint. Once home, I moved it from desk to table, counter to cabinet, always finding ways to avoid tackling the project. Last Friday night, I decided to paint a patch of the wall as motivation to get it finished this weekend.

When I was halfway through, I was suddenly gripped with worry that I had made a horrible mistake painting an entire wall of my diminutive, windowless kitchen a light-swallowing black. However, a pep-talk from Scott kept me going and I finished the job. Now that the tape is removed and the space put back together, I am quite delighted with the effect. I’m looking forward to using the wall for notes, reminders and recipes.

16 thoughts on “Chalkboard wall

  1. Marisa

    Thanks Sarah, I’m glad you like it!

    Carol, my kitchen is most definitely a real kitchen. There’s not a day that goes by where I don’t do some cooking, even if it’s just scrambling eggs or making oatmeal. However, I’ve also produced massive meals in that little space, including a sit-down birthday party for 15, when a friend’s mother turned 70 a couple of years ago.

  2. Mary

    I was talking about the wonderfulness of a chalkboard wall just yesterday! Being a lover of notations, I can’t think of a better, more practical decorative element.

    And I’m told that whiteboard wallpaper has now hit the market — could be good for public restrooms!

  3. Marisa

    Mary, whiteboard wallpaper has definitely hit the market. I was actually just talking about it with a friend on Saturday.

    Lauren, I’m glad you like it! You should paint one! One of the best things about it is that it erases with a damp sponge, making for easy clean-up.

  4. Erin

    I just came across this post in google reader and had to compliment you again. This is such a fabulous idea! I so need my own house asap so I can actually do things like this.

  5. Marisa

    Thanks Erin!

    Melody, I got my magnetic strips (there are two of them there, mounted end to end) from the Martha Stewart website about six years ago. However, you can get them just about anywhere. There are a bunch of different manufacturers on Amazon and a google search also yields good results.

  6. Diane

    I think I would have advised against painting that wall black if you had posed the question — it is a very small space. But, I am totally amazed at how it makes the room so much “dressier” and it also makes the aqua appliances and brown cabinets POP. I really love how it looks. Congratulations on a great idea!

  7. Mike

    When I first saw your picture on Flickr, I thought it was a great idea. You did a wonderful job! I have been wanting to do something on a smaller scale outside so I can keep track of everything on the grills. Your project is motivating me to finally get it done!

  8. Pingback: Chalkboard obsession « Feltik

  9. Janis

    Followed a link here from The Kitchn and just had to tell you how much I love your inspired chalkboard wall! There were photos and links to 10 windowless kitchens, and yours was the only one that popped out as being well and lovingly used. Bravo!

    There are so many clever ideas here – such as your use of the breaker boxes as the bases for magnetic spice tins. Fantastic.


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