Monthly Archives: November 2010

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I got to attend a preview showing of the new National Museum of American Jewish History today. Such an amazing museum. My grandparents would have LOVED it.

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Sunday afternoon, I went with Scott to run up and down the Art Museum steps (his trainer-prescribed exertion for that day). He did it 15 times, while I only managed a measly eight (those stairs are killer).

On the way over to the museum, I noticed that there were a few boxes of bananas leftover from the half-marathon that had been held in that area earlier in the day. They were still there when we were finished with our self-induced torture and so I grabbed a couple of bunches to bring home.

They’re still on the counter, ripening a bit more. Tomorrow or the next day, I’ll peel and half them and freeze them on a cookie sheet for future smoothies. I know that bananas are cheap, but I still got a thrill out of getting a few pounds of them for free.

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The first time I lived in Philadelphia was January through May of 2000. Instead of going abroad during college like many of my classmates, I came to east for a semester.

It was during this time that I first got to know a woman named Simone. She and her husband Bob were members of the Philadelphia Subud group and adopted me during this first stint in Philly. I dog-sat for them when they went away and knew their home as if it were my own.

When I moved back to Philly in 2002, I reconnected with these generous, giving people and they became part of my extended family in this city.

Simone, a glowingly lovely woman died on October 4th of cancer. This picture is from meetinghouse where her memorial was held today. I still cannot believe that she’s gone.

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Friday nights Scott plays D&D with friends and so I have the freedom to make anything I want for dinner. Typically it includes things on his no-go list like mushrooms and squash. This particular night, I made leek and mushroom risotto. It was divine.

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This is how we spent MANY of our evenings. Laptops out on the coffee table, TV on in the background. It’s particularly cozy on a chilly, November night.