I am not a big doughnut eater. Most of the time they’re not nearly as good as you want them to be. However, once in a while, when you’re in Lancaster County (that’s doughnut country) where people know how to make a good one, it’s better than you thought possible.

Here are a few more photos from that trip to Root’s Market, where they know what they’re doing when it comes to doughnuts.

2 thoughts on “102

  1. Lauren

    Ah, doughnuts. I used to work in our little town’s little doughnut shop when I was in college. The first time you roll out the dough you make the round kind, because they are the lightest and most tender. Then you gather the scraps and roll out your long johns and rosettes, because they can be a little tougher. Then you gather those scraps and make the apple fritters, because they are going to have a lot of apple stuff in them and can be the toughest. When you are new at the job and don’t know how to roll the dough correctly for maximum doughnuts-per-roll, you end up with lots and lots of apple fritters.


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