Lunch on my first full day of unemployment. The salad was good and I’m still feeling shockingly upbeat about the changes that have been thrust upon me. There is the occasional wave of anger and loss, but I’m swimming, not sinking. All is well and all will continue to be well.

9 thoughts on “84

  1. Donna Earnshaw

    Although I can sympathize with loss you are feeling, I can’t help but feeling a little jealous. I cannot afford to stop working full time yet but I hope to be able to soon. You will go on to do great things. I hope to have the opportunities that you will have. Good luck to you!

  2. Mary Ann Sweeney

    Marissa, I am much older than you (almost 76), but I was laid off from a job I LOVED in 2006 after being there for 7 years. I made great friends, good money, and was 1 mile from my former home. I was miserable. Then my son who lives with me got severely injured and became totally disabled. I had to ‘get out of myself’ (famous Irish saying: “Get out of yourself!”) and take care of him, which left little time to wallow in my own misery. God is great: My son got a partial settlement (after waiting more than 4 years) and in September 2010 we and my youngest son moved to the ‘wilds’ of Pennsylvania – I have found my life’s calling in my old age, and each day I feel younger and stronger. There is always some benefit from anything that happens. We just have to pay attention. I’m so looking forward to your book…maybe you are supposed to begin another one… 😉

  3. Juice

    So sorry to hear about the layoff, but I agree with Mary Ann above. God works in mysterious ways, but I’m pretty sure there are amazing things in store for you.

  4. Gerry Laverty

    I don’t usually read things about food as I’m challenged in the cooking area. I found your blog due to some serendipity. A horse was running in the Alabama stakes @ Saratoga named “Pinch Pie.” Being curious as to exactly what Pinch Pie was, I googled it and it led me to your site. I may tackle the pinch pie when I’m feeling ambitious. Sorry to hear about your being laid off however as Kris Kristofferson once said” Don’t let the bastards get you down.” Also I checked out your sisters music via your link.As a musician myself I can tell you she is most talented. God Bless.


    1. Marisa Post author

      What a wacky chain of events to arrive here! I love it! You should definitely try pinch pie, it’s amazingly delicious. And thanks for the words about my sister, I think she is pretty darn remarkable.


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